How to survive a bear market

by Michael Batnick, The Irrelevant Investor

Not everybody can sit through a bear market. Sure, guys like Buffett and Munger never sell, but for the 99% of us who have emotions, we need to do something to de-risk when it looks like the world is falling apart. But what so many investors get wrong is that they donā€™t have a process for selling and then getting back in.

The pain threshold is different for everyone, but the trigger to sell is always the same, itā€™s overwhelming fear. We fear that the 20% correction becomes a 30% decline, that the 30% decline becomes a 40% crash, and that the 40% crash leads to a back-breaking 50% wipe out, and so on.

So you need a rules based system in place that supersedes these emotional reactions. Let me give you an example of what Iā€™m talking about.

What if you have two separate accounts? One with the bulk of your assets, that youā€™ve locked and thrown away the key, and another that thatā€™s a little more nimble, which gives you the flexibility to *attempt to dampen the deep market losses. Here is the strategy: after every 15% decline on a monthly closing basis, you take that portion of your portfolio to cash. You re-enter when the market is above the level at which you sold, a ā€œcoast is clear level,ā€ if you will.

This is a bad strategy. I mean a really bad strategy. The model would have told you to sell in June 2008, after a 16% drawdown. It then would have told you to get back in at the end of August, only to sell two months later after another 24% loss. Sure you would have avoided another few months of selling, but you would not have gotten back in until July 2009, when stocks were already 40% off their bottom.

So how did this ridiculous, terrible, idiotic model perform? Since 1926, it returned 9.21% compared to the 10.05% return from the index.

rulesIā€™m definitely not suggesting this is a strategy that you employ, in fact I would implore you to come up with something else, but the point is, having a sub-optimal emergency escape plan is a thousand times better than not having one at all.


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