by Mawer Investment Management, via The Art of Boring Blog
Here is our monthly smorgasbord of links for the voraciously curious. These are interesting, sometimes strange and insightful reads we came across during our daily research, a discussion at the water cooler, or read on the train. Sometimes they relate to investing, sometimes they’re simply things that make us go hmmm…
Bloomberg – The Genetic Tool That Will Modify Humanity
Crispr technology offers a new realm of cut and paste genetics. Are we ready to take over the blueprints of life on earth?
“Genetic engineering, which for decades never quite lived up to its promise, is being transformed thanks to a new tool called Crispr. Scientists can use it to manipulate the genes of any living creature with astonishing ease. Its initial applications have been to target genetic disease, modify foods, and develop new drugs. What comes next is up to us.”
Visual Capitalist – Vancouver Real Estate Mania
A fascinating infographic on Vancouver’s real estate market with historical context that demonstrates how prices skyrocketed to current levels.
The Atlantic – How Kids Learn Resilience
An interesting look at the science of adversity and how stress in early childhood may be the most important force that shapes the development of noncognitive abilities.
“What is emerging is a new idea: that qualities like grit and resilience are not formed through the traditional mechanics of “teaching”; instead, a growing number of researchers now believe, they are shaped by several specific environmental forces, both in the classroom and in the home, sometimes in subtle and intricate ways.”
Big Think – Scientists Accidentally Create a Battery That Can Outlast Your Device
“And boom: Super-Battery”
Stratfor via Forbes – The Rise Of Manufacturing Marks The Fall Of Globalization
Following our train of thought along the themes of AI (see Justin Anderson’s recent blog post) and technological disruption (see Jim Hall’s sit down with Morningstar and Cam Webster’s appearance on BNN).
“Technology is a part of geopolitics that is often overlooked, and yet it fundamentally changes the way countries interact with one another and cope with their inherent constraints. As we move into a brave new world of automated manufacturing, 3-D printing and artificial intelligence, such changes are inevitable. And just as we look back and mark the invention of the cotton gin or the assembly line as turning points in history, so, too, will our descendants look back on today’s inventions as the start of a new era.”
This post was originally published at Mawer Investment Management