HOME DEPOT INC (HD) NYSE - Aug 27, 2013

SIA Charts Daily Stock Report (siacharts.com)

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Note: Subscribers can screen all Canadian and U.S. stocks and mutual funds, or as components of equally weighted mutual fund sectors indices, and fund groups by issuer (eg. AGF, Dynamic, Franklin Templeton), all Canadian Exchange Traded Fund, and Funds by issuer (iShares, Horizons, BMO) or as components of Equally Weighted Fund Sector Indices (e.g. 2020+ Target date, Cdn Equity Lg Cap), and create and monitor their own, or SIA's existing model portfolios. Finally, subscribers benefit from being able to generate BUY-WATCH-SELL Signals on demand with SIA Charts proprietary Favoured/Neutral/Unfavoured, SMAX scoring algorithm (see green-yellow-red graph 1 below).

HOME DEPOT INC (HD) NYSE - Aug 27, 2013

GREEN - Favoured / Buy Zone
YELLOW - Neutral / Hold Zone
RED - Unfavoured / Sell / Avoid Zone

HOME DEPOT INC (HD) NYSE - Aug 27, 2013

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