Trust Me (I've Got the Eyes and the Face), and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a wonderful weekend!

Nutritious Food for the Brain | Health and Beauty Information

Oysters contain many minerals, zinc, and iron which helps our brain to stay sharp and improve the ability to recall information easily.


Study: Walnuts May Prevent Breast Cancer - Health & Science - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

New research suggests the risk of developing the cancer decreases with a diet that include a modest amount of walnuts.


Calcium and Vitamin D: Important at Every Age

The foods we eat contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients that help keep our bodies healthy. Two nutrients in particular, calcium and vitamin D, are needed for strong bones.


Trust Me! I Have Brown Eyes And The Face To Go With Them - Science News - redOrbit


Ever wonder what makes you feel that instinctive sense of trust – or mistrust – when you meet someone new? In a new study published this week in the online journal PLoS ONE, researchers at Charles University in the Czech Republic explored this question by asking 238 participants to look at the faces of 80 students and rate their trustworthiness, attractiveness and dominance.


Seniors' Health: Can't sleep a wink? - Health - redOrbit

It's estimated that about one-half of all seniors have some sleep problems. As we age, we tend to have more "fragile" sleep, meaning we're more easily awakened, and deep sleep stages get shorter. Some of these sleep changes are hormonal, but various illnesses, pain, psychiatric conditions, and medications can also interfere with rest.


Belly Fat And Thigh Fat: What's The Difference Between These Two Types Of Fat?

So jiggly thighs may be a good thing after all — as long as we're aware of our abdominal fat. Besides increasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, researchers added that belly fat in particular was linked to an increased risk of obesity.


Sleep Better While Sick With A Cold Or The Flu

We know that the right amount of shut-eye is key to avoiding illness this cold and flu season, as well as getting better fast. But anyone who has ever had a hacking cough or runny nose knows that's often easier said than done.


Food and You: Eating when you're not well - Health - redOrbit

1.    Organic basics

It's always important to fuel your body with nutrition, and this is even more critical if you live with chronic illness. When faced with a cold, many of us put our faith in orange juice or chicken soup. But what can we do to help our bodies cope with long-term illness?


Sulphur for joint pain? - Health | The Star Online

Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition characterised by breakdown of the joint cartilage. Cartilage is the part of the joint that cushions the ends of the bones and allows easy movement of joints.


Six tips to increase your RRSP investment

Make 2013 the year that you actually set up an automatic savings plan to stash money in an investment account every time your get your paycheque. You won’t ever see the money and be tempted to spend it, and it will snowball every month.


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