10 Pain Fighting Foods, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this week's reading diversions for personal enlightenment. Have a great weekend, Happy New Year in 2013!

Food52: The Dos and Don'ts Of Entertaining Drop-In Guests

We know, we know: holidays are a time for family and friends. Which means that family and friends, somehow, are always popping over -- and, of course, are always hungry. We've compiled a list of the dos and don'ts of entertaining those unexpected guests (the ones that drop in, seemingly, out of nowhere) to ensure everyone feels welcome -- and is well-fed.

Lisa Firestone: 5 Achievable Resolutions for a Longer, Happier Life

Resolutions are notorious for falling by the wayside a few months or even days into the New Year. A 2012 University of Scranton study revealed that only 8 percent of people who make New Year's resolutions are successful in achieving them. This low success rate may relate to the fact that many of us are more inclined to center our resolutions on self-criticism than on real aspirations or desires.

6 Ways to Use Turkey Leftovers | Reader's Digest

Bored with basic holiday leftover turkey sandwiches? Try something new this year with these delicious turkey soup, salad and main dish recipes.

How to throw the easiest New Year's Eve party ever

Follow these step-by-step instructions and decorating ideas for a super easy festivity that you and your friends can enjoy into the new year.

10 Pain-Fighting Foods | LIVESTRONG.COM

You have no symptoms. You feel fine. Everything seems to be operating normally. So what's the problem?

Do Eggs Cause Heart Disease? | LIVESTRONG.COM

But my bigger concern was that after 15 years of trying to debunk the "yolks are bad" myth, a new--potentially more dangerous and careless--conclusion could cause people to unnecessarily avoid one of the world's greatest health foods. (Note: If you're allergic to eggs, obviously they are not good for you.)

Healthy Holiday Drinks | LIVESTRONG.COM

I know it sounds simple, but there are reasons for my recommendation: start your day with an espresso. Here's why: espresso is intended to be small and satisfying. It is meant to train the drinker to be slow, deliberate and in the moment. What better way to start your day, than being mindful with your delicious (and very European feeling) indulgence. Also, the little cups are adorable, remind you to think about portions for the rest of the day, and look so cute wrapped inside your hands.

5 Immunity-Boosting Foods & Nutrients | Eating Well

The much-dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. How can you bolster your defenses against the germs lurking in the common areas in your office, the mall where you do your holiday shopping and the rest stops you encounter in your holiday travels? Include these 5 immunity boosters in your diet, plus make sure to wash your hands, take a multi-vitamin and try to get enough sleep too.

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