Where Stress Hides in Your Body, and other Weekend Reads

Its time to relax and unwind...

Here are this week's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a super great long weekend!

5 Foods Guaranteed to Get Your Heart Racing (While Keeping Your Waistline in Check)

Yes, we've all been bombarded with the whole chocolate thing, but did you know that it was considered the "Nourishment of Gods" by early Aztec cultures? Chocolate contains two properties, caffeine and theobromine, that act as natural stimulants in the body.

Get the nutrients you need - 10 Vitamins You May Need if You Have Crohn?s - Health.com

The good news is that many people with Crohn's disease can get what they need from their diet and a daily multivitamin, says Arthur DeCross MD, associate professor of medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York.

How Loud Snoring is Related to Silent Strokes | How Life Works

Now, a new study links sleep apnea to so-called silent strokes, in which there is tissue death in the brain without symptoms. Sleep apnea had already been shown to be a risk factor for stroke in numerous small studies, but a new study conducted at the University of Technology in Dresden, Germany has linked sleep apnea with the milder "silent" strokes.

BPA's Obesity And Diabetes Link Strengthened By New Study

Exposure to even minuscule amounts of synthesized substances -- used in everything from pesticides to water bottles -- can scramble hormone signals, scientists say. This interference can trick fat cells into taking in more fat or mislead the pancreas into secreting excess insulin, a hormone that regulates the breakdown of fat and carbohydrates.

5 Surprising Signs of an Unhealthy Heart | Caring.com

We've all read the signs of a heart attack listed on posters in the hospital waiting room. But what if there were other, earlier signs that could alert you ahead of time that your heart was in trouble?

Where stress hides in your body - TODAY Health - TODAY.com

Neck and back tension caused by mental stress, plus long days spent hunched over a computer keyboard, can trigger pain.

Charlie Capen: Baby Sleep Positions

Every parent knows this letter. Fears it! It's the H. Some may say it stands for "horrible" but don't listen to them, they're just whitewashing it. It stands for Hell. And it's the kind of night you're both going to have.

What are the symptoms of heart attacks in women? - Public Health Agency Canada

Too often, the signs of heart attacks go unnoticed in women (by themselves, their family and their doctor). They may think that other health problems or drug side effects are causing their symptoms or that the symptoms will go away on their own. As a result, women don't always get the health care they need to prevent complications or death from a heart attack.

Food and Medication Interactions - Drug Interactions with Food - Oprah.com

You mind what you eat. You watch what you drink. You take only the drugs your doctor prescribes. But staying healthy isn't that simple: New studies are revealing that a variety of seemingly harmless combinations of foods, beverages, and medicines can lead to serious risks. Take this test to learn how to keep yourself safe.

Supplements used for depression: What the research reveals - latimes.com

There are some exceptions. Hundreds of studies have investigated the effects of omega-3 fatty acids and St. John's wort. Researchers have been studying a compound known as SAM-e for decades. And, more recently, evidence on the effectiveness of folate compounds has been piling up.

Commonly Ignored Heart Attack Symptoms | Indigestion or Nausea

Most cases of stomach ache and nausea aren't caused by a heart attack, of course. But watch out for this sign by becoming familiar with your own digestive habits; pay attention when anything seems out of the ordinary, particularly if it comes on suddenly and you haven't been exposed to stomach flu and haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary.

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