*$%#@! Cursing Can Soothe Pain, and other Weekend Reads

Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your personal enlightenment. Have a great weekend!

Judith Johnson: Overcoming Our Fear of Death
We know that we will all die, but we have yet to learn to accept this reality and to normalize the conversations needed to comfort ourselves and each other around the issues surrounding dying and death.


7 Ways To Protect Your Memory
Skipping carbs may harm your memory. A Tufts University study found that folks who eliminated carbohydrates from their diets performed worse on memory-based tasks than those who included them. Why? Your brain cells need carbs, which are converted in your body to glucose, to stay in peak form, says study co-author Robin Kanarek, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Tufts.


Easter Bunny Explained: How A Rabbit Got Associated With Easter
Well there clearly seems to be no correlation between the secular symbols and the Christian holiday. While the first known mentions of the bunny tradition appear in 15th century German literature according to Discovery, the bunny has its roots in pre-13th century pagan traditions


5 Things Every Happy Woman Does - Oprah.com
Illustration: R.O. Blechman
Sages going back to Socrates have offered advice on how to be happy, but only now are scientists beginning to address this question with systematic, controlled research. Although many of the new studies reaffirm time-honored wisdom ("Do what you love," "To thine own self be true"), they also add a number of fresh twists and insights. We canvassed the leading experts on what happy people have in common—and why it's worth trying to become one of them


Restless legs may be sign of heart risks - USATODAY.com
Restless legs syndrome is thought to afflict millions, though there's argument about just how many. Some doctors think its seriousness has been exaggerated, possibly to help sell treatments.


Diet soda may be tied to heightened risk of stroke, study claims | Herald Sun
People who drink one can of soda a day are more likely to have several risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, and high fasting blood sugar levels


Foods That Make You Fat - Healthy Foods That Make You Gain Weight - Cosmopolitan
Chips, gooey desserts, anything that starts with fried — you know to fight off these calorie cows with a stick. What's tricky is that some foods with famously healthy reputations are actually worse for your weight than the snacks in vending machines and drive-throughs. We fill you in on what they are and why they keep you from hitting that golden number on the scale.


The Dish: Pad Thai worse for your waist than four McBurgers - Healthzone.ca
The 1,131 calories is more than double the amount that should be consumed in one meal, especially considering this is an on-the-go lunch. A 1,000-calorie meal could be overlooked if it were a luscious, multi-course special occasion dinner. This is just a container of noodles.


Kate Middleton Wedding Dress Designed by Alexander McQueen's Sarah Burton, Recalls Grace Kelly - ABC News
Looking both modern and traditional, Middleton recalled another commoner who became royalty, actress Grace Kelly, who married Rainier III, the Prince of Monaco, and became The Princess of Monaco.


*$%#@! Cursing Can Soothe Pain, Research Shows
The next time you let a string of expletives rip in front of a disapproving audience, try this excuse: Swearing, it seems, is actually a powerful painkiller.


Best And Worst Sleep Positions For Your Health
Your preferred p.m. pose could be giving you back and neck pain, tummy troubles, even premature wrinkles. Discover the best positions for your body--plus the one you may want to avoid.


8 Ways to Reuse Old T-Shirts | Care2 Healthy & Green Living
We all have them in our dressers: a couple of t-shirts that are past their prime, but we just can’t get rid of them. Whether it’s from an awesome concert or a really special family reunion, you can give an old t-shirt a new life with some crafty skills!


Can ginger ale help my child feel better when she has an upset stomach? - Sniffle Solutions
It’s common for children to experience stomach pains, and ginger ale can be beneficial in soothing an upset stomach in healthy children. Fluids help your child to maintain hydration, and evidence exists that the herb ginger -- in its pure form -- may ease a child’s symptoms of nausea and indigestion.


Leo Galland, M.D.: Olive Oil: A Natural Painkiller?
This robust, flavorful oil is an example of the food as medicine concept, that foods can have a powerful impact on health.


Teaching Kids About Money - Kids and Money - Parenting.com
You don't have to be Warren Buffett to raise a financially savvy kid. You don't even have to be good at math. The key? Establishing a conversation about dollars and cents -- and keeping it going as your child grows. Parenting and the National PTA team up to get you started.


Alex Pattakos: Overcoming Loneliness the 'OPA!' Way

Despite connecting with new "friends" via online social networking (e.g., Facebook), despite living in cities with thousands of people, and despite working in large organizations, the incidence of people who say they are lonely keeps rising. Many people are connecting all the time--working two jobs, using Blackberries, iPhones, and other devices 24/7, engaging in numerous activities--yet they still feel they have no one with whom to talk about serious issues in their lives, no one to talk things out. It's becoming a big issue in our society and postmodern world.


18 Common Phrases to Avoid in Conversation | Real Simple
Some things should never be said―like these phrases. Here, what to say instead.


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