Here are this weekend's reading diversions for your personal enjoyment. Have a great weekend!
Dr. Michael J. Breus: Late to Bed, Early to Rise? Think Again!
Early risers might get the worm, but they would do well to get to bed early, too, or they might start missing that worm.
U.S. Kids Drink Too Little Water: Study
Children obtain much of their water from sweetened beverages rather than plain old H2O, the researchers found. And those who drink the most plain water consume fewer sweetened beverages and eat fewer high-calorie foods.
Kids Are Learning to Swear Earlier
Kids aren't learning swearing at an earlier age from the television they watch. The rise in cursing mirrors the rise in cursing among adults in the past thirty years that Jay has been studying the psychology of swearing.
Kids Who Own Dogs Are More Active
When little Johnny or Molly asks for a puppy for their birthday, parents may want to give in. New research in England suggests children whose families own dogs are more active than those without a furry friend running around.
10 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs | LiveScience
Dogs and humans have been living side-by-side for about 15,000 years, so you might think we know each other pretty well. But there's more to dogs than fetching and playing dead. Here are some little-known facts about man's best friend.
8 Reasons Our Waistlines Are Expanding | LiveScience
If obesity is a disease, like cancer or heart disease, as researchers stress, it is time to stop blaming lack of willpower for the extra poundage and ask - non-judgmentally - why are we so fat? From better hygiene to foods that mimic drugs, the answers may shake up your diet.
Beauty foods for younger-looking skin
Turns out, the vast majority of UV light that I was soaking up was UVA. UVA is a major contributor to premature skin aging (think: fine lines and wrinkles) because it penetrates deeper than UVB light and damages skin cells before there’s any visible sunburn
Keys to Healthy Teeth and Gums
Poor dental care and oral hygiene not only can change the way you look, but Dr. Michael Roizen says they can also cause health problems like heart disease, stroke, memory loss, impotence and wrinkles of the skin.
Rachael Ray Blogs: Dog Owners ARE Happier
Research shows that dog owners are happier and healthier than non-dog owners. They are more physically active as there is no getting out of walking your dog - it is part of taking care of your pet’s basic needs. Dog owners are more social - when you have a dog, there is an immediate topic of conversation.
10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol
It wasn't until 1889 that cheese was first added to pizza in Italy, when famous pizza chef Raffaele Esposito made a pizza for Queen Margherita using tomato, basil, and cheese to represent the colors of the Italian flag. Today, the simple margherita pizza remains one of the most popular pizzas in the world.
Vaishali: Life Lessons From Bugs Bunny: Part II
Life is not always predictable and does not always unfold as planned. Bugs knows how to trust his instincts
Stephen Barrie, ND: Your Fat Cells Control Your Brain
You probably think that fat cells are passive blobs that do nothing more than store energy, bloat flabby hips and bellies, and perhaps wear down the body by forcing it to cart around a lot of extra weight.
16 Quotes From Tony Robbins On How To Live A Happy, Successful Life (PHOTOS)
Here is a collection of some of the most famous quotes from Robbins about the road to happiness and success.
Robyn Okrant: Multitasking and the Modern Woman
When I was in the fifth grade, my Language Arts teacher said he'd give extra credit to whichever student could pat her head and rub her belly simultaneously for the longest time.
Gretchen Rubin: 7 Tips for Keeping School Day Mornings Calm and Cheery
I wrote this list a while back, but I realized this morning that I needed to go over it again and remind myself of what I need to do keep things running smoothly.
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.: Low Fat Diets Are Grossly Misrepresented
Now, enter Robert Atkins and other writers who argued that obesity was increasing because of our switch to low fat diets. By going low fat -- so the mythical story went -- we were consuming more carbohydrate, an energy source from plant-based foods. This was a serious misrepresentation of the facts.
Craig Cooper: Real Men Drink Green Tea
Green tea should be a part of everyday health for men. That's because green tea contains compounds that are important for maintaining men's health (including preventing prostate cancer), protecting against heart disease (the number one killer of men), and fighting overweight/obesity (72.3 percent of men), among other benefits.
National Punctuation Day 2010: The 5 Worst Punctuation Mistakes (PHOTOS)
Today is National Punctuation Day and language lovers across the country have been celebrating all things grammatical.
Dr. Oz on Stress Reduction -
There's a reason it's called the restroom: It's the one place—at work or at home—where no one will bother you.
Dana Ullman: Homeopathy: A Healthier Way to Treat Depression?
It is sometimes said that depression brings you down to sighs (my apology to those readers who get depressed by bad puns).
Dr. Michael J. Breus: Sleep Tips for New Mothers: Quality vs. Quantity
How is this possible? It's simple: patterns of sleep follow definitive cycles, each one lasting about 90 minutes to two hours. A new mom whose sleep is disrupted during the night may not get enough full cycles of sleep, if she gets any at all.
Michael F. Jacobson: Ben & Jerry's No Longer Fudging the Truth
By now you've likely heard the good news that Ben & Jerry's is taking the words "All Natural" off of labels of 48 varieties of ice creams that have non-natural ingredients.
Sleep helps your brain consolidate information, so without that recovery time, you're unable to file away important data.