What does the fiscal crisis in Greece have to do with the price of commodities? Why would the Chinese step up their rhetoric of ditching reserve holdings in U.S. agencies, like Fannie and Freddie, and mortgage backed securities debt ā Whom does it serve?
Why have emerging markets, commodities and commodities stocks, and equity markets in general, gotten a lashing?
Believe it or not, it's all about achieving global equilibrium, and at the heart of this is the dollar.
Behind all of the market volatility in equities, commodities, and emerging markets in January, and the myriad of causes the financial media chalk up, are the prevailing trend, and the countervailing forces, that revolve around trading in the U.S. dollar.
Read the complete article here.
Source: Pierre Daillie (AdvisorAnalyst.com), GlobeAdvisor.com, February 11, 2010