This past year's declines in local and international markets have had their beginnings at different points in time. This chart below, produced by the fine folks at Bespoke, pays no attention to their timing. Its not a pretty picture, but the perspective sure is useful. Often, we are subjected to guided reporting, where issuers or promoters use numbers and moving averages that "soften" the real numbers.
Canada comes out on top!
Here below is what most investors really want to know; How did they perform from peak until now, irrespective of timing?
After declining 4.25% on Wednesday, 3.94% yesterday, and 3.75% today, Russia's RTS index is now 41.19% below its 52-week high. These declines put it second to last behind China when looking at recent equity market returns for 22 major countries. As shown, China has fallen 64% from its 52-week high last October! The declines recently in global equity markets have really been astounding. Japan, Spain, Brazil, India, Italy, South Korea, Singapore, Sweden, Taiwan, and Hong Kong all join China and Russia with equity markets off at least 30% from their 52-week highs. North American countries rank 1,2,3 as far as countries holding up the best. International exposure has never hurt so bad.
Courtesy: Bespoke Investment Group