Michael Green, Michael Green, Chief Strategist at Simplify Asset Management joins Pierre Daillie and Adam Butler for a revealing conversation about his thesis that stock markets are less efficient and more ‘inelastic’ because of the proliferation of passive index investing over the last few decades, and what that means. His thesis and research, now corroborated and examined by academic studies, labelling it as the ‘Inelastic Market Hypothesis,’ by Xavier Gabaix and Ralph Koijen, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, and Valentin Haddad, shine a bright new light on how and why markets are displaying increasingly violent and rapid bouts of volatility, that may intensify over the coming years and decades.
Research mentioned in the conversation:
The Inelastic Market Hypothesis: A Microstructural Interpretation (JP Bouchaud)
How Competitive is the Stock Market? (Valentin Haddad)
Robin Wigglesworth’s Book – Trillions: How a Band of Wall Street Renegades Invented the Index Fund and Changed Finance Forever
Where to find Michael Green, Chief Strategist, Simplify Asset Management:
Michael Green on Twitter – @profplum99
Where to find the Raise Your Average crew:
“You don’t have to be brilliant, just wiser than the other guys, on average, for a long time.” Charlie Munger
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