Som Seif, CEO, Purpose Investments joins AdvisorAnalyst's Joseph Lamanna, to discuss the Purpose Bitcoin ETF (BTCC: TSX), the world's first bitcoin ETF, and the Purpose Ether ETF (ETHH: TSX), also another world's first. We discuss the challenge of launching these two new exchange-traded cryptocurrency funds, in the context of the inabliilty by a multitude of U.S.-based ETF firms to do so.
We get into the differences between investing in cryptocurrencies directly versus via ETF, and Som also shares is thoughts on the tracking of the ETFs against the underlying, as well as institutional versus retail transaction costs of trading bitcoin, ether, cold wallets vs. hot wallets, and how to approach position sizing in portfolios.
Finally, we ask Som Seif which of the two of bitcoin and ether, he favours.