Fixed Income
3224 posts
Highs and Lows of the Week
The following chart shows how the ten sectors of the S&P 500 performed this week in the context of…
Pershing Square Capital Management Releases Letter to U.S. Treasury Department Regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P. sent the following letter September 6, 2008 (courtesy: BusinessWire) to the U.S. Treasury Department regarding…
The Devil's Dictionary for Financial Markets
The Devil's Dictionary, was originally published by Ambrose Bierce. Think of him as the forgotten brother of Mark…
Hendry: De-flation is Contrarian
Hugh Hendry, CIO, Partner, Eclectica "Bonds! The credit crunch – you’ve got to go back to 1942 to…
Hugh Hendry:10-year Treasury Signals Deflation
We've recently become huge fans of anything that Hugh Hendry, the cutting and brash CIO, Eclectica Asset Management,…
Video: Nouriel Roubini (3 Parts)
Nouriel Roubini, NYU Stern School of Business, opines about the market, the credit crisis, and the housing market…
Video: Faber Says Fannie, Freddie Should Split Up, Not Get Aid
Investor Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, talks about the future of Fannie Mae…
Interview: Larry Sarbit, Sarbit Asset Management
Despite the fact that you may not ever come close to catching up to Warren Buffett's wealth does…
The Bonfire of the Vanities, the Sequel
June 26, 2008 - Andrew Ross Sorkin, of the New York Times, writes about how prophetic Tom Wolfe's declaration was…
Interview: Nick Barisheff, Bullion Management Group Inc.
Exclusive Interview Nick Barisheff, President and CEO, Bullion Management Group Inc. This week we interview Mr. Nick Barisheff, President…
Oil: Higher Prices Lead to Lower Prices?
Will higher prices for crude oil lead to lower prices? The debate rages on in these days of…
When Markets Collide: Barron's interviews el-Erian, Pimco's co-CEO
June 2, 2008 - Pimco’s Co-CEO and co-CIO, Mohamed el-Erian discusses his new book, When Markets Collide, with…
Whitney: Credit Crisis Will Run Into 2009
Liz Moyer, Forbes Bank analyst Meredith Whitney says the credit crisis will extend well into 2009, if not…
Moody’s 'AAA' Mistake
FT Alphaville exclusive: Moody’s error gave top ratings to debt products Moody’s awarded incorrect triple A ratings to billions of dollars…