6184 posts
Hugh Hendry: Long 30-Year Government Bonds
Hugh Hendry is bullish on Government Bonds, the long-term kind. In particular, he likes the German 30-year Bunds,…
Hugh Hendry: "AIG is no longer with us"
Hugh Hendry, CIO, Eclectica Asset Management, hosted CNBC Asia's Squawk Box, while on a visit to Hong Kong,…
Warren Buffett: 2008 Letter to Shareholders
Warren Buffett's 2008 Letter to the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Here is an excerpt from the 2009…
Jim Chanos: Short sellers are market's real-time detectives
Jim Chanos' Kynikos Associates has gained legendary status as the world's biggest short seller, managing some $7-billion in…
Hans Rosling: Debunking third-world myths with the best stats you've ever seen
Get ready to learn about the developing world from a source of fascinating perspective. "You've never seen data…
Bill Gates' Portfolio Holdings and Recent Buy
Bill Gates has recently declared that Cascade Investment, the company that is his investment arm, has acquired a…
What is John Paulson doing?
Thanks to the work of, we can get a glimpse into the dealings of some of the…
Richard Russell: Survival Plan for unprecendented situation
Richard Russell (Dow Theory Letters) writes the following in the February 3, 2009 issue of his invaluable daily letter.…
What are the Gurus Buying Now?
Where are the investing world's gliterati investing in today's financial climate.'s Eleanor Laise, has written a timely…
20 Surprises for 2009: Doug Kass
Doug Kass, founder of Seabreeze Partners, a regular guest on CNBC, who is dubbed the anti-Cramer, as well…
Jim Rogers: Outlook for 2009
Jim Rogers speaks candidly with Bloomberg (December 23, 2008) about his outlook for 2009. The American economy will…
Rio Tinto/BHP Billiton at parity
Yep, the share prices of the two mining giants have crossed. After suffering another sickening fall on Thursday,…
New Audio Resource at
Now you can listen to the Investment Outlook and Commentary from Bill Gross (PIMCO), Vanguard Funds' Portfolio Managers,…
Resurgent Yen a Global Destabilizer
Once again, volatility favouring the Japanese Yen is having a pronounced effect on what happens in the stock…
When to Let Losers Go
Jason Zweig’s latest column at the WSJ (Psyching Yourself Up to Let Losers Go ) tackles a tough…