4275 posts
'Encouraged by a wicked wizard, Greenspan, Bernanke toils at his printing press'
The Guardian has published below, an insight-full essay by Hugh Hendry, CIO, Eclectica Asset Management. Hendry's brash and…
Must-Read China Reading: World Bank Quarterly
If you read one thing on China this week/month/quarter/season, let it be the new World Bank China Quarterly.…
Bill Ackman: Pershing Square Q3 2008 Letter
Pershing Square Q3 2008 Investor Letter by Bill Ackman, November 15, 2008 at 11:44 pm These are extraordinary…
Tom Barrack's Economic Outlook
Famed investor Tom Barrack shares his economic outlook with CNBC's Erin Burnett. Barrack believes that the economy is…
Hendry: Going long on government bonds
By Hugh Hendry Published: November 19 2008 16:03 Someone once said there are certain things that cannot be…
Mark Mobius Talks Brazil, Emerging Markets
Mark Mobius, the emerging market specialist from Templeton Asset Management reckons that Brazil offers a great opportunity for…
Jim Rogers: Interview
Jim Rogers, legendary investor, is interviewed by's John Authers, on November 17, 2008. The 20 minute interview…
China Unveils $586-billion Economic Stimulus Plan
China's stunning $586-billion (4-trillion Yuan) economic stimulus package, unveiled Sunday evening, aims to give the country's domestic demand…
Donald Coxe: Post US Election Analysis
Donald Coxe and his colleagues at BMO Harris provided their post-election views following the Obama victory: Donald Coxe,…
Commodities Snapshot
A snapshot view of commodities reveals that they have all experienced some mild recovery at the end of…
The Teflon Maple Leaf: TD Securities
Eric Lascelles, TD Securities' Chief Economics Strategist, points out that the Canada has the highest sovereign debt ratings in…
The Age of Prosperity is Over: Arthur Laffer
Arthur Laffer, the Reagan-era economist, famous for defining Supply-Side economics and developing what is now referred to as the Laffer Curve, has…
Resurgent Yen a Global Destabilizer
Once again, volatility favouring the Japanese Yen is having a pronounced effect on what happens in the stock…
China's Bold Economic Policy Moves
CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, a division of Credit Lyonnais/Credit Agricole, are one of the best groups of analysts providing…
Hendry: 10-20 Years to Recover Thanks to ECB
Hugh Hendry, CIO, Eclectica Asset Management told Power Lunch Europe that it will take 10-20 years to heal…